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john flanders - surfer / founder

"necessity is the mother of invention"


(I used to think that was a frank zappa quote)


   hangwell is, plain and simple, the result of the need to hang the quiver of boards my family had acquired over the years, which was standing, stacked upright, in a corner of the patio. if the wind blew too hard, they'd fall. i looked at board racks for sale and most needed to be attached to a wall, but i didn't have the wall space. there were others that attached to a ceiling, or with pully mechanisms for garages, but my car port ceiling was too low. There were wood stand-up racks that looked really nice, but I knew they'd gather a lot of dust, leaves and debris underneath.

   no model I saw fit the space and I thought maybe i could design one...

so i did.

Then some of my friends saw it and started asking where they could get one and if I was ever going to make some for sale... so i did...

and that led you here!

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